Rick Simpson Oil Tolerance Guide


If you’ve heard about RSO, it’s likely you’re curious about the product. Can it help cure disease or ward off symptoms? Do you need a particular cannabis tolerance to use it? How easy is it to use? We’ve put together this tolerance guide to help more people identify their needs and answer any lingering questions about Rick Simpson Oil.

What Is RSO?

RSO, or Rick Simpson Oil, is a cannabis oil extract via ethanol. RSO has a very high concentration of THC, commonly around 20%, and is a “full spectrum” distillate meaning it contains a range of cannabinoids naturally found in the cannabis plant. 

RSO comes in a syringe that contains about 600mg of THC and is easy to apply in the necessary dosage. The oil is commonly made from Indica plants high in THC, though the final RSO product varies on the plants and strains used. The color and consistency of the oil can also vary, and RSO can be made at home or made professionally.

RSO came into existence because of an activist named Rick Simpson who created it to help cure the symptoms of his skin cancer. Rick Simpson claimed the oil helped him profoundly, though the actual medical benefits are still under examination and have been refuted by some physicians. Regardless of its scientific standing, RSO helps thousands of patients every year and can provide important medicinal help for those who have tried other unsuccessful options.

The Value of RSO

The most popular strain for making RSO is Indica, because of its powerful therapeutic effects. THC is the primary cannabinoid for RSO because it has strong euphoric effects, health benefits, relaxation benefits, and pain-reducing effects. 

RSO is made by recognizing the value of cannabis and its strong medicinal effects on the body. Aside from its therapeutic and euphoric effects, RSO can treat symptoms of disease and support other medical applications. Frequent users of RSO claim that it greatly reduces pain and other side effects of illness and disease.

How Much RSO Is Safe To Take?

Possibly the most common question concerning RSO is people wondering how much RSO is safe to take. Ultimately, your RSO dosage is dependent on your existing tolerance level to cannabis. If you’ve never smoked weed or taken an edible before, your RSO journey is going to start small. Take things low and slow and work your way up toward larger RSO dosages.

Beginners should start with a very small amount of RSO—essentially an amount that’s a quarter of a size of a grain of rice. Yes, this looks like an absurdly small portion, just a pinprick, but you will feel the effects quickly. Your journey with RSO should start with something called “microdosing,” as in you practice taking very small amounts of the drug to test how your body reacts. Your reactions include physiological benefits, drawbacks, and desirable and undesirable side effects. Side effects include daytime sleepiness and disorientation, but this should fade after a few weeks of regular use. Eventually, your tolerance will minimize the psychoactive effects and keep you functional.

A standard dosage of RSO with normal to high tolerance is roughly the size of a grain of rice. For a single patient, the goal is to gradually consume about 60g of RSO over a period of 90 days.

Can You Take RSO If You’re New To Cannabis?

Anyone can take RSO, but it’s a good idea to measure your expectations and dosages based on your previous cannabis experience. RSO is a “full spectrum” oil meaning that it contains all the benefits of the cannabis plant. It can help with many health conditions, depending on the dosage.

If you’re taking RSO for the first time, use it a little bit and increase your dosage as you become acclimated to the oil.

Does RSO Really Make You Sleepy?

Because of RSO’s potency, a high dosage can make you sleepy even during the day. It’s the most powerful side effect of RSO, but can be a welcome experience for some users. For those who have trouble falling asleep at night because of pain or insomnia, RSO is extremely effective. Anyone who wants to avoid sleepiness should start with a very small dosage and work their way up.

Why Do People Use RSO?

RSO is used for many things, including pain reduction, medicinal intent, and recreational use. There are thousands of stories of people using RSO as a medicine, or to mitigate the symptoms of disease. Recreational cannabis users enjoy it because of its effectiveness and strength—a single small dose of RSO is incredibly powerful. In the last few years, RSO has become a form of cannabis that’s both powerful and economical.

The oil takes about 45 minutes to kick in, but depends on how you ingest it. Some people consume RSO by eating it, which takes between 15-45 minutes to activate. RSO tinctures can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) and have a much more immediate effect, typically less than 15 minutes. RSO can also be vaporized via a dab rig, which will also have you feeling the effects immediately. RSO can also be added to your coffee or tea.

What Should I Know About RSO Dosing?

Your cannabis tolerance level is key in knowing how much RSO to take. Dosing yourself with RSO has different effects based on a beginner, intermediate, and experienced levels, and you should always take it easy when it comes to distillates and concentrates. RSO commonly comes in an oral syringe and is thick and viscous. It’s difficult to measure out exactly, and you should never take above the “grain of rice” amount. 

Patient dosing depends on tolerance, and typical regimens are about 1g of oil per day. Patients might take the oil at an advanced or reduced rate depending on their needs, but the average person needs only about 1-2g of RSO per month—roughly a drop each night before bedtime. 

The smaller the better, even if you believe you have a high cannabis or THC tolerance. You can always take more; you cannot take less. If you are taking RSO during the day, or you’re worried about its immediate side effects, you should wait an hour between dosages. If you feel you need more, take amounts that are less than ⅓ of a grain of rice and then increase the dosage toward your desired experience. 

RSO can be diluted into tinctures, where it’s much easier to calculate in milligrams. RSO tinctures can be measured by their THC and dosage levels, and tinctures can be taken orally or added to food or drink. 

THC distillates can also be taken orally via capsules, such as THC PLUS (made with RSO) Capsules. The capsule form of RSO is an effective and high potency, made from full spectrum cannabis that’s lab tested. RSO capsules can deliver a more consistent and precise amount of THC and are recommended for high-tolerance consumers that require therapeutic doses.

What Products Can Be Made With RSO?

Beyond tinctures and capsules, RSO can be used to make edibles, cannabutter, and more. RSO can be ingested, smoked, or applied via the skin, making it extremely versatile. RSO can be added to basic gummy recipes, compound butters, and home tinctures. 

Traditional tinctures are made by dissolving herbs or medicine in alcohol—RSO is created by dissolving cannabis in ethanol. RSO extract can be added to many things, such as carrier oils like MCT. RSO tinctures can be added to foods, making dosage much more manageable. If you or your patient are having trouble taking RSO via the syringe method, it’s a good idea to adjust dosages and potency levels through food.

What Ailments Can Be Treated With RSO?

RSO is used for many different reasons, whether recreationally or medicinally. There are many benefits the cannabis plant can offer the human body, and as a full spectrum oil RSO is a great way to glean all these benefits. There are many common ailments that can be treated or alieved by using RSO, whether you’re using tinctures, capsules, or edibles.

Common ailments treated with RSO include:

Anxiety and Depression

Cannabis is often used to treat anxiety, and RSO is often used to treat more extreme forms. RSO might be prescribed in place of other medications (or used in conjunction with them). Many people who suffer from anxiety use RSO to feel relaxed, calm, and euphoric. RSO’s drowsy and therapeutic properties are very attractive to those who suffer from anxiety.


RSO’s creator Rick Simpson claimed that he used his original recipe to treat his skin cancer. While there is little supporting evidence that RSO can cure cancer, cannabis compounds do have anti-cancerous properties and can alleviate the pain associated with the disease.

Full Pain Management

Cannabis is an excellent pain reliever, and RSO is a very potent form of cannabis that can help relieve chronic pain. RSO has been used to treat nerve damage, back pain, and general discomfort. It can be applied topically or orally.

There are many different ailments that can be treated or relieved with RSO, but you should always consult with your doctor or healthcare physician before starting a serious regimen based on RSO usage.