Precautions To Consider When Giving Your Dog CBD

CBD for Dogs Guide

You may have recently seen a rise in companies advertising CBD products for your dog. Like any other wellness trend, it’s important to be aware of the pros and cons of giving your dog CBD and why. The internet is filled with misinformation, and it can be tough to know what’s true, what’s false, and what’s a complete exaggeration for selling product. You want what’s best for your furry friend—so what do you need to know about CBD oil and dogs?

What, Exactly, Is CBD Oil?

CBD, also called cannabidiol, is a compound found in hemp and cannabis plants. CBD oil does not naturally contain THC, which is the psychoactive compound that gives cannabis its “high” properties. Most CBD products are actually derived from hemp and not cannabis—meaning they retain the relaxing properties of the plant, and not the psychoactive ones.

Do We Know How CBD Affects Dogs?

There have been no formal studies on how CBD affects dogs—but scientists do know that cannabinoids interact with the receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems, helping to maintain a balance in the body and keep it in a normal, healthy state.

While the definitive scientific data on CBD and dogs might still be out, there’s enough anecdotal evidence to support that CBD oil can treat chronic pain, neuropathic pain, and seizures. CBD is known and widely used because of its anti-inflammatory properties, heart benefits, appetite stimulation, anti-anxiety effects, anti-cancer effects, and more. While the data is not conclusive, the effects have been observed in many pets. 

What Precautions Should I Consider Before Giving My Dog A CBD Product?

We can extrapolate the data observed by using CBD in humans to consider its effects on dogs. There are many potential side effects, including dry mouth, lowered blood pressure, and drowsiness. If you’re worried about potential side effects, it’s important to always follow the proper dosage assigned to any CBD product.

Side effects of CBD in dogs can include:

  • Dry mouth: CBD can reduce saliva production and increase thirst.
  • Lower blood pressure: high doses of CBD can temporarily lower blood pressure and create a feeling of dizziness or nausea.
  • Drowsiness: CBD is attractive because of its anxiety-reducing properties, but it can also cause drowsiness when used in higher dosages.

CBD products for dogs can also come in different varieties, such as oils and sprays. Ensuring you’re doing the most for your pet by purchasing the product that’s most appropriate for them—and that includes the method of application. While the choice is based on personal preference, sprays might be preferable if you’re infusing food or drinks. You should always give your dog the appropriate dosage by using a product’s included dosage guide, which should include the size and weight of your pup.

Safety Risks Of Giving CBD Oil To Dogs

The FDA has not approved CBD or issued a dosing chart, and there are a number of safety risks to be considered when giving any CBD product to your pet. While the exact toxic dosage size is currently unknown, any new medication or supplement carries with it a risk of adverse reactions. Whenever giving your pet something new, start out with minimal dosages and watch the effects. Also, make sure to always check in with your local veterinarian first before you administer any kind of new medication to your dog.

Consider how you administer cannabis products to yourself—start low and go slow. Ensure that your puppy isn’t reacting poorly to the CBD product, and observe whether or not it’s having a positive or negative effect.

There are many CBD products on the market, and your veterinarian might suggest CBD as a treatment for your dog. There are still a few things to keep in mind, such as that not all CBD oils are created equally. As with any product, a higher-quality CBD oil will have a better chance of working than a lower one.

Always look for organic, vegan, high-quality CBD oil. The CBD product you choose should be free of any pesticides, solvents, fungicides, or dyes. Don’t shop for your dog based solely on price—lower-priced items might be less pure and more toxic. Cheaper options can often contain these toxic substances, such as herbicides or heavy metals. Ensure that any CBD product you give to your dog is entirely free of any additives. You should also research the manufacturer, and research if there’s any THC in the product. Again, you can check in with your veterinarian or ask them to help you find a trusted brand or local seller. You should also always apply CBD to your dog as a liquid—this allows you to control the dosage.

Do The Benefits Of CBD Outweigh The Risks?

As outlined above, there are many pros and cons to consider before giving your dog CBD oil products. Consider the precautions, speak to your veterinarian, and carefully monitor your dog’s behaviour to ensure that they are adjusting to the product and that it is benefitting them. Just because CBD works for you doesn’t mean it will work for your pet, and you should always consider their needs.

Purchasing high-quality products is a must; companies like Herb Angels provide quality CBD pet infusions that can provide a variety of benefits, such as alleviating cancer pain or reducing anxiety. When used properly, CBD oil can be a boon for your pet, but only when you use high-quality hemp-derived CBD products with pet-appropriate strengths. Pet-approved CBD products are crafted with flavors that your pet will want to consume, and can help a dog that’s recovering from an illness or surgery. If you’re curious about giving your dog a CBD product, contact your veterinarian today.